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My name is Breyanna Dabney,  I am a 20 year old artist based in Baltimore. I found my passion for art through photography. In order to create my digital art, I use my photos and put an abstract touch to them. This is Perplexed Vision. It's almost confusing at a first glance but as you look deeper into the pieces and take into account the names, the meanings unfold. Perplexed vision was born from my inspiration of collage artwork. As I started making the pieces that would be showcased in my 2nd Through The Lenz Photo Exhibit & Auction, I found that I was very fond of illusions and live-like moving parts within the pieces.  This is where my "style" of work has been birthed. I plan to continue to evolve within my style of work as it is something that I am still exploring. 

© 2023 by Breyanna Dabney. Powered and secured by Wix

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